Monterey Peninsula College
Home Menu2021 - 2022
Melanie Aquino Gonzalez
Major: Pre-Nursing
My name is Melanie Jocelyn Aquino Gonzalez; I am a pre-nursing major hoping to complete my prerequisites and transfer to a four-year institution. My career goal is to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and earn my doctorate in nursing practice. I am a first year college student who participated in the JumpStart Summer Bridge program with the First Year Experience program. I am also a current EOPS student. I am excited for the opportunity to be connected and work with students and connect them with the tools and resources available on campus.
Erin Thompson
Major: Biology & Horticulture
My name is Erin Thompson; I am a first year student at Monterey Peninsula College. Currently I am studying biology and horticulture. My interests include, but are not limited to, creating auditory and visual art, gardening, wellness, and learning about helping the environment. Being a student at MPC has opened several opportunities for me to learn about myself and discover my personal path for success. My goal after graduating from MPC is to transfer to UC Santa Cruz to earn a Bachelor's degree. Programs such as TRIO and EOPS, have helped me to see this goal as attainable. As a Lobo Ambassador I am excited to be a part of this wonderful community that has helped me in my personal growth. As well as helping other students achieve the same sense of support and belonging.