Monterey Peninsula College
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Student Success and Equity
Monterey Peninsula College is committed to improving and strengthening student success and equity; the Student Success and Equity Office supports the mission of the College through it's collaborative efforts to foster student learning and achievement by providing services and support necessary for students to achieve their academic goals.
2022-2025 Student Equity Plan
- Executive Summary Draft
- ,Monterey Peninsula College 2022-2025 Student Equity Plan (Student Success Committee Working Draft, Nova Submission PDF)
2019-2022 Student Equity Plan
- Executive Summary
- Monterey Peninsula College 2019-2022 Student Equity Plan (Word Planning Document, Nova Submission PDF)
2017-2019 Integrated BSI, SE, and SSSP Plans
2015-2016 Academic Year Student Success and Support Program and Student Equity Plans
- Monterey Peninsula College 2015-16 Credit SSSP Plan
- Monterey Peninsula College 2015-16 Noncredit SSSP Plan
- Monterey Peninsula College Student Equity Plan 2015-2016