Monterey Peninsula College
Home Menu"ARC helped lead me to the right path and helped me stay focused."
-ARC Student
"ARC helps me to understand the MPC system better. I got less stressed out. By receiving all these accommodations that the ARC offers, I have gotten better grades and I feel that my road to higher education is more clear."
-ARC Student
ARC Counseling
Academic Counseling for ARC Students
Access Resource Center counselors are available Monday through Friday by appointment, with some drop-in times available. Some of the services counselors provide are help with class selection/registration, educational planning, referrals to on/off campus resources and accommodations. To schedule an appointment, please call (831) 646-4070.
Early Registration Assistance
Access Resource Center students may be eligible to receive priority registration if the student's ARC file is up-to-date, the student has met the college's academic requirements, and the accommodation is disability-related. Access Resource Center counselors are available on a drop-in basis during each priority registration period to assist with advising and WebReg (online registration).
On/Off Campus Resource Referral
Monterey Peninsula College offers a variety of financial, academic and support programs on campus. A great list of on-campus programs is available on the EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs & Services) page.
Early Registration Assistance
Access Resource Center students may be eligible to receive priority registration if the student's ARC file is up-to-date, the student has met the college's academic requirements, and the accommodation is disability-related. Access Resource Center counselors are available on a drop-in basis during each priority registration period to assist with advising and WebReg (online registration).
On/Off Campus Resource Referral
Monterey Peninsula College offers a variety of financial, academic and support programs on campus. A great list of on-campus programs is available on the EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs & Services) page.
Department of Rehabilitation, (831) 769-8066

Central Coast Center for Independent Living, (831) 757-2968

Learning Disability Assessment
The Access Resource Center Learning Skills Program has appointments available in the Learning Skills
Assessment course (LNSK 330). The assessment will give you information on your individual cognitive/perceptual and academic strengths and weaknesses, as well as determine whether or not you are eligible to receive services from our program. If you are having difficulty in academic courses due to a possible learning disability, please contact our office at (831) 646-4070
to schedule an appointment with a counselor to determine if LNSK 330 is appropriate.
Assessment course (LNSK 330). The assessment will give you information on your individual cognitive/perceptual and academic strengths and weaknesses, as well as determine whether or not you are eligible to receive services from our program. If you are having difficulty in academic courses due to a possible learning disability, please contact our office at (831) 646-4070