Monterey Peninsula College
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Major Requirements Worksheets
The Counseling Department provides major requirements worksheets which list the requirements for certificate of achievement and associate degree programs. Certificate of training programs and their requirements, however, are listed within the respective academic department's webpage.
NOTE: These worksheets are for advising purposes only; refer to the official catalog for complete program information, and consult with a counselor for guidance.
Associate Degrees for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T)
The Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) programs enable students to complete the lower-division requirements for transfer to a CSU to pursue a bachelor's degree in a similar major. Students completing these degrees are guaranteed admission to the CSU system but not necessarily to a particular campus or major.
Associate Degrees (AA/AS/AS-UCT) and Certificates
The AA/AS degrees and certificates are generally designed for students intending to acquire the skills and knowledge needed for immediate employment or job advancement. In some cases, a transfer student may pursue an AA/AS when an appropriate AA-T/AS-T does not exist. The AS-UCT degree is designed specifically for transfer to UC only.