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Student Government (ASMPC)
The Associated Students of Monterey Peninsula College (ASMPC) are responsible for the coordination and support of student activities and organizations, while increasing the cooperation between students, faculty, and the community. ASMPC also provides a forum for the expression of student opinion and develops student initiative and responsibility while ensuring equal rights for all students of Monterey Peninsula College. The Student Council holds their elections each year in the Spring. ASMPC has 5 sub-councils: The Activities Council, the Inter-Club Council, the Student Welfare Council, Public Relations Council and the Student Representation Council.
ASMPC is recognized by the Governing Board as the official representative organization for Monterey Peninsula College students. Members of the Executive, Council and Judicial branches are elected for the period of one year; all other positions are appointed by the Student Government. All elective positions require that the student be enrolled in five or more units and have at least a 2.00 GPA.
ASMPC hosts meetings during the regular Spring and Fall semesters, all students are encouraged to attend! ASMPC Student Government is an excellent opportunity to get involved with the decision-making operations of the college. Students are invited to become members of standing committees of the college. The college recognizes the importance and value to the local community as well as the institution by providing a constructive avenue for students to have a voice and to develop skills in: leadership, event planning, goal setting and parliamentary procedures.