Transfer Checklist

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  • When you begin classes at MPC discuss your transfer plans with a counselor to develop your Individual
    Education Plan. Inquire about UC and/or CSU general education requirements and the lower division courses
    required for your major. Check in with your counselor at least once a semester. If you plan to transfer to an
    independent California college or out-of-state college, check directly with that campus for transferability of
    classes. Review the MPC catalog to identify the courses that are transferable to the UC or CSU, follow CSU-General
    Education, IGETC and AA/AS, worksheets found in catalog or counseling office. Use for
    articulated and transferable courses. has a “planning” section that will track your General
    Education classes as you complete them—USE IT! UC has the Transfer Admission Planner
  • Review catalogs of your transfer choices to become familiar with admission, general education, and major requirements. Catalogs from all 10 UCs and 23 CSU campuses are available to use in the Career/Transfer Resource Center. Catalogs for California independents and many out-of-state campuses also available.
  • VISIT Career & Transfer Center and Sign up for the Transfer Center email listserv to keep advised.
  • Meet with Reps from the campuses that interest you. Many visit MPC during the school year, some visit only during Transfer Day. If visiting a campus, ask to speak with an admission counselor. See page 8.
  • Choose a major. If you need help, take PERS 71 (see page 3) or visit the Career/Transfer Resource Center for help. Visit to do personal assessments.
  • If you will need financial assistance to attend, talk to a financial aid advisor at MPC. File FAFSA AND Cal Grant EVERY YEAR between January 1 and March 2. Apply for all scholarships for which you are eligible, booklet is posted in Feb for March submittal online at Other dates vary.
  • Attend Transfer Day at MPC, held the first week of November, and speak with representatives from the colleges and universities that interest you. Attend an Application workshop, also held in October and November.
  • Visit campuses and inquire about available services—EOP, Disabled, Tutoring, Re-Entry, Housing, Child Care, etc. Call the Relations with Schools/Outreach office if you would like a campus tour.


  • Once you have completed 30 units (usually at the beginning of 2nd year) and one year prior to transfer, submit
    TAA to CSUMB, TAG to one UC (see TAA/TAG page). Complete and file an ONLINE application for admission
    with the UC/ CSU campus/campuses between October 1 and November 30 one year prior to your target start
    date. Independent colleges may have deadlines will vary. Do not wait until you finish all classes to apply. Colleges
    will accept work in progress and work planned.
  • After applying, have transcripts from all colleges attended (and high school transcript, if necessary) sent to the
    campuses when requested. UCs require an online verification of fall grades by early February.
  • Consider getting your Associates degree along with transfer requirements. Also, having a completed degree
    (AA/AS) may prove helpful if you need to look for work—it shows degree completion, if you want an internship or
    just to celebrate completing the first two years!
  • Submit the intent to register or acceptance agreement as requested, usually June 1 for UC/CSU. Final transcripts
    must be mailed or received by July 15. Request General Education or IGETC certification from Admissions
    &Records. Always take part in orientations if they are offered for new and transfer students. This is usually the
    time that you meet with an advisor and register for classes; missing this session may prevent you from getting
    classes you need. It also provides a great start to your next campus.