Monterey Peninsula College
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All courses must be approved by your Parent School prior to enrolling at MPC
- Submit transcripts and Prerequisite Verification Form to Counseling Department, if needed.
- Register for classes and print copy of registration receipt
- Submit the following forms to the MPC Veterans Resource Center Staff:
- Parent School Approval Letter
- Copy of Enrollment Receipt
- Guest Student Packet
MPC Students planning to enroll in courses at another school
You may attend another school as a “guest student” and have those courses approved for VA payment, but only if those courses apply to your program at MPC and are part of your Education Plan. MPC students who plan to attend another school (Guest School) must meet with an MPC counselor to have the courses at the other school approved. The student must then complete a Parent School Letter Request Form (which includes the counselors approving signatures) and submit the form to the MPC Veterans Representative.