
GraduaTion Term/Month
Petition Due


(December 2024)

October 7, 2024 – Last day to submit a petition for students who require an ADT (AA-T/AS-T) verification. 

November 1, 2024 – Last day to submit a petition and official transcripts of completed courses from other colleges.

January 2, 2025 – Last day to submit official transcripts of final grades from other colleges where the student had courses in-progress during Fall 2024.


(May 2025)

February 10, 2025 – Last day to submit a petition for students who require an ADT (AA-T/AS-T) verification.

April 15, 2025 – Last day to submit a petition and official transcripts of completed courses from other colleges.

May 30, 2025 – Last day to submit official transcripts of final grades from other colleges where the student had courses in-progress during Spring 2025.



(August 2025)

TBD – Last day to submit a petition and official transcripts of completed courses from other colleges.

TBD – Last day to submit official transcripts of final grades from other colleges where the student had courses in-progress (applicable for students with pending Summer 2025 petitions)


What It Takes

Certain requirements must be met before you can submit your petition. It is highly recommended you go over these and set up an appointment with a counselor to ensure you are on track toward earning your associate degree.

  1. Complete 60.0 units from courses numbered 1-299. Of those courses, 40.0 units must have letter grades. Certain majors may have additional requirements. Please contact a counselor for more information.
  2. Complete at least 12.0 units at MPC, with at least 6.0 units in the major area.
  3. Have a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  4. Complete the courses required in your major and also in the appropriate GE pattern for your degree.
  5. Meet the reading, writing, mathematics, and information competency requirements outlined in the catalog.
  6. Submit all necessary official transcripts and/or scores to the Admissions & Records Office. Foreign transcripts must be evaluated by an official foreign credential evaluation ( or


Meeting With Your Counselor

A vital step to petitioning for your associate degee on time is meeting with an academic counselor. The counselor will ensure you are on track. In addition, he or she can evaluate your transcripts from other schools, if applicable, to clear prerequisites or requirements. Set up a counseling appointment through your WebReg Student Portal or by calling their office at (831) 646-4020.



The general timeline is as follows:

  1. Apply to MPC and submit official transcripts and/or test scores to Admissions & Records. Set up an appointment with an academic counselor to create an education plan.
  2. The term prior to when you expect to graduate, meet with an academic counselor to ensure you have met the requirements. The counselor will need to sign off on your petition.
  3. Submit your petition to the Admissions & Records office by the deadline listed at the top of the page. Ensure that your general education and major pattern worksheets from the counseling office are attached. Ensure official copies of your external transcripts and AP/CLEP scores have been submitted to the Admissions & Records Office.
  4. Complete the classes you are currently in, if applicable.
  5. Participate in the graduation ceremony (optional).
  6. Your petition will be approved or denied after the semester has ended and grades have been posted. Check your WebReg Portal periodically to see if your degree has been posted. Your degree will show up on your official MPC transcript.
  7. Your diploma will be mailed to the address you provided on your petition.