Reporting Changes

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Changes made after your initial application or certification are the responsibility of the student to forward to the VA Regional Office and must be brought to the attention of the MPC Veterans Representative immediately.

Changes you must inform the MPC Veterans Representative of:

  1. Changes in a major
  2. Changes in courses
  3. Withdrawal from school
  4. Change in contact information

Change in major:

A change in major requires obtaining an updated Education Plan from an MPC counselor (Semester Education Plan for your first semester, and Full Education Plan for your second semester and beyond). You must also submit the updated Education Plan to the MPC Veterans Representative during an appointment. 

Attention: you will only be certified for courses on your counselor approved Education Plan. If the exact course and number are not on your Education Plan, you will not be certified for it.

Change in courses:

You must contact the MPC Veterans Representative if any changes do occur. You may call (831)646-4025 or email

This occurs if you drop a course, add a course, or a course is cancelled. Changes in your schedule will potentially affect your monthly payments from the VA and may result in an overpayment which would need to be repaid. If you add any courses, be sure they are on your education plan, or you may need to get an updated Education Plan from an MPC counselor (Semester Education Plan for your first semester, and Full Education Plan for your second semester and beyond). You must also submit the updated Education Plan to the MPC Veterans Representative during an appointment. 

Attention: you will only be certified for courses on your counselor approved Education Plan. If the exact course and number are not on your Education Plan, you will not be certified for it.

 Withdrawal from school:

Should it become necessary for you to withdraw from all classes, contact the MPC Veterans Representative immediately and notify the VA. 

Change in contact information:

If you should have any changes in your contact information during your enrollment at MPC, you will need to change your contact information with the VA Regional Office and the MPC Office of Admissions and Records, as well as the MPC Veterans Representative. Changing your contact information with only one of these will not automatically change your information with the other.

 ** The MPC Veterans Assistance Office is NOT part of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). We may only interpret, explain, and administer VA regulations for VA education benefits as they apply to you at MPC. **