The online resources contained in this section are intended to provide you with tools to help you get started using Canvas and to answer many common questions. In addition, MPC offers one-on-one assistance and a series of workshops throughout the semester.

  • Visit the Canvas Faculty Resources site (requires Lobo Apps access) to find Canvas teaching guides, course templates, best practices, accessibility resources, training, and other faculty resources.
  • View the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric to discover online course design standards for high-quality online courses that promote student success and conform to existing regulations.
  • Get help with making sure your course content meets accessibility requirements. We have a great deal for you: Take our 1-hour, self-paced accessibility training course, and we'll fix the accessibility issues in your current course. Submit an MPC Online help desk ticket to sign up.
  • Visit the MPC Online Instructional Resources & Content Ideas Canvas site (requires Lobo Apps access) to find links to Open Education Resources, online databases, video libraries, and other content that you can include in your online course.