Monterey Peninsula College
Home MenuIntersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) Online Courses
Keeping your options open? The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is designed to satisfy the lower-division general education requirements for both the UC and CSU systems.
Completion of all the requirements in the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) will permit a student to transfer from a community college to a campus in either the California State University or the University of California system without the need, after transfer, to take additional lower-division, general education courses to satisfy campus general education requirements.
Note: In many cases there are other face-to-face courses that can also be used to fulfill requirements. Refer to the current MPC Catalog for complete information about the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) requirements.
The course requirements for all areas must be completed before IGETC can be certified. All courses must be completed with graces of ‘C’ or better. (A grade of ‘C-‘ is not acceptable.)
Refer to the MPC Class Schedule to see which courses are offered online for a given semester.
CSU – 3 courses required, one from each group below. UC - 2 courses required, one from Group A and one from Group B.
Group A: English Composition 1 course, 3 semester units |
Units |
Offered Online |
ENGL 1A | College Composition |
3.0 |
✓ |
Group B: Critical Thinking – English Composition 1 course, 3 semester units |
Units |
Offered Online |
ENGL 2 |
Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking |
3.0 |
✓ |
Group C: Oral Communication (CSU Requirement only) 1 course, 3 semester units |
Offered Online |
SPCH 2 | Small Group Communication | 3.0 | X |
1 course, 3 semester units |
Units |
Offered Online |
MATH 13 | Pre-Calculus | 5.0 | ✓ |
MATH 16 | Elementary Statistics |
4.0 |
✓ |
MATH 17 | Finite Mathematics |
4.0 |
✓ |
MATH 18 |
Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Bio/Soc. Science/Business |
4.0 | ✓ |
PSYC/SOCI 19 | Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences | 4.0 | ✓ |
At least three courses, with at least one from Group A and one from Group B. 3 courses, 9 semester units3 courses, 9 semester units |
Units |
Offered Online |
Group 3A: Arts Courses | |||
ARTH 1 | Art Appreciation |
3.0 |
✓ |
ETNC 5 |
African-American Arts and Music in American Culture |
3.0 |
✓ |
Group 3B: Humanities Courses |
ENGL 5 | Introduction to Great Books |
3.0 |
✓ |
ENGL 9 |
Great Books and Civil Liberties |
3.0 |
✓ |
ENGL 11 | Literature By And About Women |
3.0 |
✓ |
ENGL 18 | The Bible As Literature |
3.0 |
✓ |
ENGL 40A | Survey of American Literature I |
3.0 |
✓ |
ENGL 44 | Masterpieces of Literature I |
3.0 |
✓ |
ENGL 45 | Masterpieces of Literature II |
3.0 |
✓ |
ENGL 46 | Survey of British Literature I |
3.0 |
✓ |
ENGL 47 | Survey of British Literature II |
3.0 |
✓ |
ETNC 5 |
African-American Arts and Music in American Culture |
3.0 |
✓ |
ETNC 24 |
African-Americans in United States History to 1865 |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 5 | Women of Color in the U.S. | 3.0 | ✓ |
GWOS 11 | Literature by and About Women |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 12 |
Women in United States History |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 15 |
Introduction to LGBTQ Global Literatures |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 40 | Introduction to Feminist Theory |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 6 |
History of World Religions |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 7 |
World History to 1500 |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 8 | World History Since 1500 |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 12 | Women in United States History |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 15 | History of California |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 17 | United States History to 1877 |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 18 | United States History from 1865 |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 20 |
History of Mexico |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 24 |
African-Americans in United States History to 1865 |
3.0 |
✓ |
HUMA 40 | Introduction to Feminist Theory |
3.0 |
✓ |
LING 10 |
Foundations of Language |
3.0 |
✓ |
LING 15 | Introduction to Linguistics |
3.0 |
✓ |
LING 25 | Introduction to Language and Gender |
3.0 |
✓ |
LING 30 | Introduction to the History of the English Language |
3.0 |
✓ |
PHIL 2 | Introduction to Philosophy |
3.0 |
✓ |
PHIL 4 | Moral Issues |
3.0 |
✓ |
PHIL 8 | Introduction to World Religions |
3.0 |
✓ |
PHIL 13 | Introduction to Eastern Philosophy |
3.0 |
✓ |
PHIL 40 | Introduction to Feminist Theory |
3.0 |
✓ |
SIGN 20 |
Introduction to Deaf Culture |
3.0 |
✓ |
At least 3 courses from at least 2 disciplines or an interdisciplinary sequence. 3 courses, 9 semester units |
Units |
Offered Online |
ANTH 2 | Introduction to Biological Anthropology |
3.0 |
✓ |
ANTH 4 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology |
3.0 |
✓ |
ANTH 8 | Primate Behavioral Ecology |
3.0 |
✓ |
ANTH 30 |
Gender in Global Perspective |
3.0 | ✓ |
ECED 1 | Child Growth and Development |
3.0 |
✓ |
ECED 55 | Child, Family and Community |
3.0 |
✓ |
ECON 2 | Principles of Economics: Macro |
3.0 |
✓ |
ECON 4 | Principles of Economics: Micro |
3.0 |
✓ |
ETNC 10 | Intercultural Relations in American Society |
3.0 |
✓ |
ETNC 22 |
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society |
3.0 |
✓ |
ETNC 24 |
African-Americans in United States History to 1865 | 3.0 | ✓ |
ETNC 30 |
Gender in Global Perspective |
3.0 | ✓ |
ETNC 45 | Introduction to Language and Society |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 1 |
Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 2 |
Leadership and Community Development |
3.0 | ✓ |
GWOS 5 |
Women of Color in the U.S. |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 10 | Gender in American Politics |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 12 | Women in United States History |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 30 |
Gender in Global Perspective |
3.0 |
✓ |
GWOS 40 |
Introduction to Feminist Theory |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 6 | History of World Religions | 3.0 | ✓ |
HIST 7 | World History to 1500 |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 8 | World History Since 1500 |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 12 | Women in United States History |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 15 | History of California |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 17 | History of the United States I |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 18 | History of the United States II |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 20 |
History of Mexico |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 24 |
African-Americans in United States History to 1865 |
3.0 | ✓ |
HUMA 40 | Introduction to Feminist Theory |
3.0 |
✓ |
LING 15 | Introduction to Linguistics |
3.0 |
✓ |
LING 25 | Introduction to Language and Gender |
3.0 |
✓ |
LING 30 | Introduction to the History of the English Language |
3.0 |
✓ |
LING 45 | Introduction to Language and Society |
3.0 |
✓ |
LING 46 | Introduction to Psycholinguistics |
3.0 |
✓ |
PHIL 40 | Introduction to Feminist Theory | 3.0 | ✓ |
POLS 1 | Introduction to American Government and Politics |
3.0 |
✓ |
POLS 2 | Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics |
3.0 |
✓ |
POLS 5 | Politics of Developing Countries |
3.0 |
✓ |
POLS 10 | Gender in American Politics |
3.0 |
✓ |
PSYC 1 | General Psychology |
3.0 |
✓ |
PSYC 3 | Introduction to Social Psychology | 3.0 | ✓ |
PSYC 6 |
Psychology of Women |
3.0 | ✓ |
PSYC 25 | Lifespan Development |
3.0 |
✓ |
PSYC 38 |
Biological Psychology |
3.0 | ✓ |
SIGN 20 |
Introduction to Deaf Culture |
3.0 |
✓ |
SOCI 1 | Introduction to Sociology |
3.0 |
✓ |
SOCI 2 | Contemporary Social Problems |
3.0 |
✓ |
SOCI 3 | Introduction to Social Psychology | 3.0 | ✓ |
SOCI 22 |
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society |
3.0 |
✓ |
SOCI 40 | Introduction to Marriage and Family Life |
3.0 |
✓ |
At least 2 courses, one from Group A and one from Group B; at least one must include a laboratory from Group C. 2 courses, 7 semester unitsGroup A: Physical Science Courses |
Units |
Offered Online |
ASTR 10 | Introduction to Astronomy |
3.0 |
✓ |
CHEM 10 |
Everyday Chemistry |
3.0 | ✓ |
GEOL 2 | Physical Geology | 3.0 | ✓ |
GEOL 3 |
Historical Geology |
3.0 |
✓ |
GEOL 9 | Earth Catastrophes and Disasters |
3.0 |
✓ |
OCEN 2 |
Introductory Oceanography |
3.0 | ✓ |
Group B: Biological Science Courses |
Units |
Offered Online |
ANAT 5 |
Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology |
4.0 | ✓ | |
ANTH 2 | Introduction to Biological Anthropology |
3.0 |
✓ |
BIOL 31 | Environmental Science |
3.0 |
✓ |
BIOL 31 does not include lab hours. Corresponding lab BIOL 32 is not currently available online. | X | |||
PSYC 38 |
Biological Psychology |
3.0 |
✓ |
Group C:Science Laboratory Courses |
Units |
Offered Online |
ANAT 5 | Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology | 4.0 | ✓ |
ANTH 2L | Biological Anthropology Laboratory | 1.0 | ✓ |
CHEM 10 | Everyday Chemistry | 4.0 | ✓ |
Online course not currently available.Students may take ANTH 2L, ASTR 10L, or BIOL 10, 32, 13, 21, 22, 32, CHEM 1A, 1B, 2, 10L, 12A, 12B or face-to-face Laboratory Science course at MPC or transfer from another community college. |
X |
(UC Requirement only) Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school study in same language |
Offered Online |
Online course not currently available. Students may take any World Language (WLAN) 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B; American Sign Language (SIGN) 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B; or Spanish (SPAN) 35A, 35B at MPC or from another community college. |
X |
CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals
(Not part of IGETC; may be completed prior to transfer) Complete all areas: US-1, US-2, US-3. Note: Courses used to meet IGETC requirements may be used to satisfy this CSU graduation requirement at the discretion of the receiving CSU campus.)
US-1: HIstorical Development of AMerican Institutions & Ideals |
Units |
Offered Online |
ETNC 24 |
African Americans in United States History to 1865 |
3.0 | ✓ |
GWOS 12 | Women in United States History |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 12 |
Women in United States History |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 17 |
United States History to 1877 |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 18 |
United States History from 1865 |
3.0 | ✓ |
HIST 24 |
African Americans in United States History to 1865 | 3.0 | ✓ |
US-2: U.S. Constitution & Government |
Units |
Offered Online |
ETNC 24 |
African Americans in United States History to 1865 | 3.0 | ✓ |
GWOS 10 | Gender in American Politics |
3.0 |
✓ |
HIST 24 | African Americans in United States History to 1865 |
3.0 |
✓ |
POLS 1 |
Introduction to American Government and Politics |
3.0 |
✓ |
POLS 10 |
Gender in American Politics |
3.0 |
✓ |
US-3: California State & Local Government |
Units |
Offered Online |
GWOS 10 |
Gender in American Politics |
3.0 | ✓ |
POLS 1 |
Introduction to American Government and Politics |
3.0 | ✓ |
POLS 10 |
Gender in American Politics | 3.0 | ✓ |
To discuss degree requirements, students can "Ask a Counselor" by logging into their Web Registration (WebReg) account and selecting the option in the Quick Links section, or contact the Counseling Department by phone at (831) 646-4020.