Monterey Peninsula College
Home MenuGeneral Studies AA - Natural Science Emphasis
This degree provides and opportunity for students to earn an Associate of Arts (AA) degree in comprehensive area of study. It is intended for the student who is not currently preparing to transfer to a university. A minimum of 60 semester units must be completed with an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or better in all degree-applicable units. Only courses numbered 1-299 may be applied toward this associate degree. Natural Sciences increase students' awareness of the world of natural phenomena and the ability humans have to understand how the world functions by using the scientific methods to investigate and judge phenomena and humankind's various roles in nature.
Complete Major, MPC General Education Pattern, Competency Requirements, and 60 degree-applicable units.
Online courses that satisfy Associates Degree requirements |
Units |
Offered Online |
ANAT 1 |
Human Anatomy |
2.0 |
✓ |
ANAT 5 |
Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology |
4.0 |
✓ |
ANTH 2 |
Introduction to Biological Anthropology |
3.0 |
✓ |
ASTR 10 |
Introduction to Astronomy |
3.0 |
✓ |
BIOL 31 |
Environmental Science |
3.0 |
✓ |
CHEM 10 |
Everyday Chemistry |
3.0 |
✓ |
OCEN 2 |
Introductory Oceanography |
3.0 |
✓ |
PSYC 38 |
Biological Psychology |
3.0 |
✓ |
Refer to the MPC Catalog for additional face-to-face courses offered at MPC that satisfy degree requirements.
To discuss degree requirements, students can "Ask a Counselor" by logging into their Web Registration (WebReg) account and selecting the option in the Quick Links section, or contact the Counseling Department by phone at (831) 646-4020.