Monterey Peninsula College
Home MenuEconomics AA (Transfer Prep)
Complete Major, CSU General Education or IGETC Pattern, Competency Requirements, and 60 transferable units.
Required Core: | Units | Offered Online | |
ECON 2 |
Principles of Economics: Macro |
3.0 |
✓ |
ECON 4 |
Principles of Economics: Micro |
3.0 |
✓ |
MATH 16 |
Elementary Statistics |
4.0 |
✓ |
Select One course from the following: | Units | Offered Online | |
MATH 18 |
Calculus & Analytic Geom. for Bio/Soc Sci/Busi |
4.0 |
✓ |
Select Two courses from the following not already used in LIST A: | Units | Offered Online | |
Financial Accounting |
4.0 |
✓ |
CSIS 1 |
Computer Information Systems |
3.0 |
✓ |
POLS 1 |
Intro. to American Government and Politics |
3.0 |
✓ |
Gender in American Politics |
3.0 |
✓ |
PSYC 1 |
General Psychology |
3.0 |
✓ |
To discuss degree requirements, students can "Ask a Counselor" by logging into their Web Registration (WebReg) account and selecting the option in the Quick Links section, or contact the Counseling Department by phone at (831) 646-4020.