Monterey Peninsula College
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What is Program Review?
Program Review is an opportunity for every department at MPC to reflect on how well they fulfill the College's mission. Annually, each department completes an Annual Program Review document. This document prompts departments to describe how they provide access to students and how they help students learn and succeed; in addition, the document prompts departments to assess their current resources and identify their resource needs.
Every six years each department takes a deep dive and engages in a Comprehensive Program Review. In addition to the prompts in the Annual Program Review, the Comprehensive process asks departments to reflect on the following: (1) how their area aligns with the institutional mission and plans, (2) collaborations with other departments or agencies, (3) internal or external factors that affect the program.
Threaded throughout both the Annual and Comprehensive Program Review documents are prompts related to equity. These prompts are designed to help departments consider access, success, and their resources through an equity lens. For reference, these are the current 2024-25 Program Review templates: Annual Student Services, Comprehensive Student Services, Annual Academic Affairs, Comprehensive Academic Affairs.
The purpose of Program Review at Monterey Peninsula College is to evaluate the quality and vitality of all existing instructional programs, administrative services, and student services of the college in support of student learning and achievement. Program Review helps college constituencies look constructively at programs and services with the intent of improving practices while making effective use of resources.
Program Review is an essential element of the college’s planning and resource allocation process.
It is also required by the Education Code, Title 5, and the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC).
How to Get Started?
Program Review is now in Google Drive! (Lobo apps login required). Most departments can also access their Program Review files through Canvas.
Please contact or call 831-646-4846 for access assistance, or if you would like training or support.
When does my department complete its next Comprehensive Program Review?
- Comprehensive Program Review Calendar, 2021-22 through 2032-33 (Updated June 2024)
When did my department complete its previous Comprehensive Program Review?
Academic Affairs
Student Services Comprehensive
Student Services Division Executive Survey 2020-2021
Are you looking for a Program Review document?
Contact the PRIE office by email at or call 831-646-4846.