Monterey Peninsula College
Home MenuHospitality Entrepreneurship Certificate
Prepare yourself to enter the workforce with a Hospitality Entrepreneurship Certificate!
This certificate is designed for students who want to add entrepreneurail abilities to their current skill set or open their own business. This certificate can be completed in 1 year!
Total Certificate of Achievement Units: 16.5
Certificate Core Requirements
BUSI 44 Introduction to Business Ownership/Mindset
HOSP 23 Culintary Foundations I
HOSP 58 Sanitation, Safety, Equipment
HOSP 63 Hospitality Supervision
Select 2 courses from the following:
BUSI 20 Introduction to Business
BUSI 46 Entrepreneurial Mindset
BUSI 49 Professional Selling
BUSI 54 Introduction to E-Marketing
BUSI 120B Quickbooks ONline Accounting Software
Apply Online at
Questions? Contact Molly Jansen at (831) 646-4123,