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Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Oct 28)

Post Date:11/04/2016 3:00 PM

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On October 28, 2016, the negotiations teams for the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association (MPCTA) and the Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) met from 11:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. to review collective bargaining proposals for a successor contract.  The parties agreed on the agenda for the bargaining session.  The parties also agreed on ground rules for the 2016-17 negotiations process.  

Supplemental Early Retirement Plan

The parties discussed the District’s proposal to offer a Supplemental Early Retirement Plan (SERP) to MPCTA unit members.  On October 7, 2016, MPC informed MPCTA that it would like to offer a faculty SERP as a part of a district-wide SERP for employees who retire in Spring 2017.  Under the proposed SERP, MPC would pay a retiree the equivalent of 65% of his/her last salary (e.g., $65,000 for an employee with an annual salary of $100,000).   This amount would be paid out over time, and would be in addition to a retiree’s STRS or PERS retirement benefits.

At the October 7th meeting, MPC introduced a timeline to consider for rolling out the SERP to potential retirees.  The timeline, which included an opening of the enrollment “window” on November 1st, would maximize the time for individuals to consider retirement and would allow MPC to consider retirements when planning the Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 schedules.  (Planning for the Fall 2017 schedule starts in November 2016.)

At the October 28th session, MPC assured MPCTA that the proposed SERP is self-funding and would not have a negative impact on MPC’s fiscal ability to negotiate new contract terms on faculty compensation.  MPC also stated that the SERP is intended to be a college-wide incentive, and that it would be offered to all other employee groups with slight variations in terms.  

MPCTA requested more time to respond to the proposed SERP, and the parties agreed that MPCTA would inform MPC of its response on or before the next bargaining session on November 7th. 


The parties further exchanged proposals.  MPC presented Articles 11 (Calendar), 15 (Workload), and 17 (Extra Duty and Extended Year Pay).  MPCTA presented Articles 4 (Association Rights), 17 (Extra Duty and Extended Year Pay), 20 (Part-Time Temporary Faculty), 24 (Statutory Changes) and 28 (Distance Education). 

Future Dates

MPC and MPCTA have scheduled additional negotiation sessions on November 7th and 18th, and on December 5th and 13th.  A tentative date was also set on December 19th.

MPC anticipates a healthy dialogue over important issues regarding college operations and the impacts that may affect the working conditions for faculty.  MPC is confident that a focus on student success will result in a vibrant contract that reflects current practices and academic trends in community colleges across the State of California.

See this webpage for a list of all current updates related to MPC's Collective Bargaining.
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