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  • CSUMB-MOU-Thumbnail

    MPC partners with CSUMB in New Pathways Programs!

    MPC and CSUMB are pleased to announce their collaboration in offering 3 new dual admission programs for students in Marine Science, Business Administration and General Education Transfer curricula.

    05/16/2017 10:33 AM

  • Campus Security Icon

    Monterey Peninsula College Security Alert - May 12, 2017

    (Alert: Auto Burglary) The following information is provided, in accordance with the Monterey Peninsula College’s Crime Reporting Procedure, with your safety in mind.

    05/12/2017 4:00 PM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    MPC Collective Bargaining with MPCTA

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (May 11)

    05/11/2017 5:00 PM

  • GreatBooks-thumbnail

    Join the Great Conversation!

    Need extra units of GE? Want to take them online? Curious about great ideas? Enroll in English 5 - Intro to Great Books!

    05/06/2017 3:50 PM

  • Thumbnail

    Spanish for Spanish Speaking Students, expanded!

    MPC is offering multiple classes in Spanish for Spanish Speaking students in the Fall!


  • Track_FieldThumbnail

    Lobos Track & Field Teams Shine at Coast Conference

    Track & Field season is coming to a close with the Coast Conference Championship meets at both Hartnell and MPC. Both men's and women's teams were successful as each team improved their point total from the previous season. The women's team for the second year in a row placed 3rd overall and the men's team placed 7th.

    05/02/2017 5:04 PM

  • Campus Security Icon

    Monterey Peninsula College Security Alert - May 2, 2017

    (Alert: Auto Burglary) The following information is provided, in accordance with the Monterey Peninsula College’s Crime Reporting Procedure, with your safety in mind.

    05/02/2017 4:00 PM

  • EOPS-thumbnail

    Apply to EOPS!

    MPC's EOPS program is currently taking applications for the 2017-2018 school year. If you are interested in the support and services provided through this program apply online now!

    05/01/2017 3:34 PM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Apr. 21)

    On April 21, 2017, the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association (MPCTA) and Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) met again to continue negotiations over a collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

    04/27/2017 6:00 PM

  • summer-hot-spot-thumbnail

    Registration for MPC is open!

    It's open registration for the summer at MPC, with over 200 classes being offered in six-week and eight-week sessions at both the Monterey and Marina campuses.

    04/24/2017 6:20 PM

  • Henry-Thumbnail

    MPC's Creative Writing Instructor Henry Marchand wins Allen Griffin Award for Excellence

    Congratulations to English and Creative Writing Instructor Henry Marchand, recipient of an Allen Griffin Teaching Award! This award is given once every 2 years by the Community Foundation of Monterey County to outstanding educators at the county's secondary and post-secondary institutions.

    04/24/2017 12:51 PM

  • CERT-thumbnail

    MPC Staff Complete CERT Program!

    Congratulations to the MPC staff members who have completed the rigorous CERT training in Monterey!

    04/23/2017 6:04 PM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Mar 31st and Apr 7th)

    On March 31st and April 7th, 2017, the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association (MPCTA) and Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) met to negotiate a new MPCTA collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Under law, the parties will continue to honor terms of the prior contract during the negotiations.

    04/18/2017 5:00 PM

  • stem-thumbnail

    Enroll in STEM Core at MPC!

    STEM Core offers personalized support and tutoring to carry students through the higher math requirement for a STEM degree.

    04/17/2017 10:00 AM

  • Campus Security Icon

    Monterey Peninsula College Security Alert - April 12, 2017

    (Alert: Auto Burglary) The following information is provided, in accordance with the Monterey Peninsula College’s Crime Reporting Procedure, with your safety in mind.

    04/12/2017 10:00 AM

  • mmidkiff-thumbnail

    Top Tech award presented to MPC's CISO, Michael Midkiff

    Congratulations to MPC's Chief Information System's Officer, Michael Midkiff on winning this year's prestigious Technology Achievement Award from the CCC Chancellor's office.

    03/30/2017 11:19 AM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Mar 3)

    On March 3, 2017, the negotiations teams for the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association (MPCTA) and the Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) met for the tenth session of negotiations during the 2016-17 fiscal year. The parties are renegotiating the terms of the MPCTA collective bargaining agreement (CBA) which has expired. Under law, the parties will continue to honor terms of the prior contract during the negotiations.

    03/22/2017 9:00 AM

  • auto-tech-thumbnail

    Time for the MPC Automotive Skills Challenge!

    Join us on April 21st for the High School Automotive Skills Challenge.

    03/15/2017 4:07 PM

  • pizza-with-prez2-thumbnail

    The MPC Community enjoys lunch with Dr. T!

    Thank you ASMPC for hosting MPC's first Pizza with the President

    03/08/2017 4:31 PM

  • Aaron-thumbnail

    Congrats IT Specialist Aaron Cepeda!

    IT/AV Specialist Aaron Cepeda recently completed an intensive training course and is now a certified Extron Control Specialist!


  • hospitality-thumbnail

    MPC Hospitality with CSUMB in 2+2 Transfer Degree!

    MPC is pleased to offer a 2yr + 2yr transfer program with California State University at Monterey Bay (CSUMB) in Sustainable Hospitality Management.

    02/27/2017 4:14 PM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Feb 21)

    On February 21, 2017, the negotiations teams for the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association (MPCTA) and the Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) met for the ninth session of negotiations during the 2016-17 fiscal year. To date, the parties have exchanged proposals on fifteen articles in the MPCTA collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

    02/24/2017 2:00 PM

  • book-awards

    MPC Humanities Honors Students

    The Humanities Division at Monterey Peninsula College will present its 40th Annual Book Grant Awards to outstanding students in a ceremony in the Sam Karas Room of the campus library on Thursday, February 23 at 3:00 PM.

    02/07/2017 9:09 PM

  • OpenClassThumbnail

    Open Classes!

    The Spring semester has begun, but you can still take classes this term. Click here to see a current list of classes that have open seats!

    02/05/2017 1:08 PM

  • cisco_champions-BADGEthumbnail

    Network Engineer Recognized by Cisco

    Special congratulations goes out to IT Network Engineer Robert Boardman, who has been selected to participate in the 2017 Cisco Champion program this year!

    02/03/2017 8:41 AM

  • Campus Security Icon

    Monterey Peninsula College Security Alert - February 2, 2017

    (Alert: Assault) The following information is provided, in accordance with the Monterey Peninsula College’s Crime Reporting Procedure, with your safety in mind. [UPDATED: Feb 10, 2017]

    02/02/2017 4:00 PM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Jan 17)

    On January 17, 2017, the negotiations teams for the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association (MPCTA) and the Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) met from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. regarding a successor contract.

    01/28/2017 2:00 PM

  • Parking-Thumbnail

    Campus Security and Parking Reminders

    As we begin our Spring semester, campus security would like to remind students and guests of a few campus policies.

    01/20/2017 2:29 PM

  • training-and-development2

    Google Apps Training Sessions in January

    Jump start 2017 with customized Google Apps Training!

    01/09/2017 9:59 AM

  • Medical-Assistingthumbnail2

    Medical Assisting Progam Expanding at MPC!

    To meet the local need for highly qualified Medical Assistants, MPC is expanding its program and is now offering classes in Marina and Monterey!

    01/05/2017 2:09 PM

  • multi-hands-thumbnail

    Resolution of Support and Commitment to All Students at MPC

    We realize that many students may be experiencing emotional reactions or heightened anxiety as a result of rhetoric on the national level related to draconian changes to our nation’s immigration policies. At this juncture, it is important that we communicate clearly that MPC is redoubled in its resolve to fulfill our mission of education ..

    12/19/2016 4:42 PM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Nov 21)

    On November 21, 2016, representatives from MPC and MPCTA attended the third meeting before a mediator in order to resolve the pending grievance. At the end of the day, the mediator issued a “mediator’s proposal” which was accepted by both MPC and MPCTA as the best possible outcome through mediation, and which both parties agreed to present to their constituents for ratification/adoption.

    12/05/2016 2:00 PM

  • portfolium-thumbnail

    CTRC Offers MPC Students & Grads Digital Portfolios!

    Build your own online portfolio to showcase your academic and professional achievements!

    11/27/2016 10:03 PM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Nov 18)

    On November 18, 2016, the negotiations teams for the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association (MPCTA) and the Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) met from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. regarding a successor contract. The parties agreed on the agenda for the bargaining session. MPC presented proposals or counterproposals on Articles 23, 17, 4 and 24.

    11/22/2016 11:00 AM

  • GradguruThumbnail

    Grad Guru Notice for Android Users!

    Important Update for Grad Gurus Users on Android devices!


  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Nov 7)

    On November 7, 2016, the negotiations teams for the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association (MPCTA) and the Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) met from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. regarding a successor contract. The parties agreed on the agenda for the bargaining session, and then addressed MPC’s proposal to offer a Retirement Incentive Plan to MPCTA full-time unit members.

    11/07/2016 11:00 AM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Oct 28)

    On October 28, 2016, the negotiations teams for the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association (MPCTA) and the Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) met from 11:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. to review collective bargaining proposals for a successor contract. The parties agreed on the agenda for the bargaining session. The parties also agreed on ground rules for the 2016-17 negotiations process.

    11/04/2016 3:00 PM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Oct 7)

    On October 7, 2016, the negotiations teams for the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association and the Monterey Peninsula College met to review collective bargaining goals and procedures for this year.

    10/21/2016 10:09 PM

  • collective-bargaining-update-thumbnail

    Update on Collective Bargaining with MPCTA (Oct 3)

    On October 3, 2016, the negotiations teams for the Monterey Peninsula College Teachers Association and the Monterey Peninsula College met to discuss procedures for collective bargaining in the 2016-17 fiscal year.

    10/21/2016 9:55 PM

  • Tess-Taylor-thumbnail

    Guest Author Series Welcomes poet Tess Taylor - Oct 12th!

    The MPC Guest Authors Series is delighted to bring Tess Taylor to Monterey for this public reading, followed by a question & answer period and book signing.

    08/22/2016 6:00 AM

  • Kente_thumbnail

    MPC celebrates "Rites of Passage" with 2016 Graduates

    Each year, the African American Faculty & Staff celebrate the special accomplishments of our Graduates and Transfers at our annual Rites of Passage Ceremony. The Rites of Passage is a ritual event that marks a person's transition from one stage of life to another.

    08/10/2016 9:00 AM

  • Joe-Russo-2-thumbnail

    MPC Golf Team Excels in 2016

    The Lobos Men's Golf Team completed another highly successful season culminating in a 7th place finish at the 2016 CCCAA State Championships held at Desert Island Golf Club in Rancho Mirage.

    08/01/2016 2:30 PM

  • Kim-McGinnis-_thumbnail

    MPC welcomes Dr. Kim McGinnis!

    After a rigorous national search process MPC is pleased to announce (and welcome!) Kim as the new Vice President of Student Services.

    07/12/2016 11:58 AM

  • Community_Support

    Survey Reveals Local Funding Support For MPC!

    Community Supports Funding for Monterey Peninsula College to Maintain Affordable Education and Job Training.

    06/23/2016 3:17 PM

  • WestonScholarship2016_Magdalena12443-thumbnail

    MPC Photo Students Excel in Weston Competition

    The unique program in black & white film photography offered at MPC fits well with goals of the Weston Scholarship and MPC was well represented with students winning 17 of the 32 prizes offered this year.

    06/03/2016 3:09 PM

  • bond-refinance

    MPC District Saves Millions for Local Taxpayers!

    Monterey Peninsula Community College District seizes another opportunity to save taxpayers interest on General Obligation Bonds!

    05/17/2016 4:54 PM

  • Auto Tech HS Challenge

    Local High Schoolers Show Off Their Auto Tech Skills

    Congratulations to North Monterey County for their win in the 2016 MPC Auto Technology Skill Challenge!

    05/13/2016 3:36 PM

  • Dr-Crow-Thumbnail

    MPC Welcomes Steve Crow!

    MPC and the Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Steve Crow as the new VP of Administrative Services.

    03/25/2016 10:02 AM

  • bball-thumbnail

    Men's B-ball Playoff News

    Lobos seeded in the Playoffs!

    02/23/2016 12:29 PM

  • Robert_B_thumbnail

    Network Engineer Earns Statewide Award

    Network Engineer Robert Boardman has been awarded the 2016 CISOA Technology Excellence Award for his recent work on several IT initiatives at MPC.

    02/22/2016 1:30 PM

  • everbridge-thumbnail

    Emergency Alerts from MPC

    Register now to receive emergency alert notifications at or near Monterey Peninsula College!

    01/11/2016 2:33 PM

  • google-present-thumbnail

    Students Steps for Going Google

    Google has arrived and MPC students can start using their MPC Google accounts now! We have outlined a 4 step process here to get you started.


  • email-thumbnail

    Student Email Addresses Changing

    Hear the news? All students are getting a new email address (one that matches your account name!) Read this article to learn more!!!

    11/18/2015 10:27 AM

  • Ada-Limon-author-thumbnail

    Watch Guest Author Ada Limón Online

    Video recording of her visit to MPC is now available!

    10/14/2015 12:30 PM

  • creative-writing-thumbnail

    Creative Writing at MPC

    The Creative Writing Program provides classes in Fiction, Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, and the Novel.

    10/14/2015 12:00 PM

  • Ada-Limon-author-thumbnail

    Guest Author Series Welcomes Ada Limón - Oct 7th!

    The MPC Guest Authors Series is thrilled to bring Ada Limón to Monterey for this public reading, followed by a question & answer period and book signing.

    10/05/2015 1:00 PM

  • Joseph Thumbnail

    Lobo Soccer Star Joins the Tacoma Stars!

    MPC's Men's Soccer team is thrilled to announce that former Lobo player Joseph Cairel has joined the Tacoma Stars professional soccer team! Season opens in just a few days and we wish Joseph all the best.


  • Deresiewicz-Poster-thumbnail

    MPC Great Books Presents William Deresiewicz (Oct. 8th)

    Don't miss out on this notable guest speaker, expressing his thoughts on the critical subject "What is College For"

    09/20/2015 10:23 AM

  • JYK-Thumbnail

    Summer Cultural Exchange at MPC

    Once again MPC and select host families from the local community welcomed with open arms 36 high school students from Japan for an intensive summer program offered through the English as a Second Language Department.

    09/12/2015 4:31 PM

  • MPC-Video-Thumbnail

    Real Students Real Stories

    What makes Monterey Peninsula College a special place? Learn more through real stories told by MPC students and alumni. (video content)

    07/19/2015 9:06 PM

  • faith-thumbnail

    MPC softball player Faith Apolskis joins BC Bears!

    MPC Lobos shortstop has signed her National Letter of Intent to continue her academic and athletic career this fall at Bloomfield College in Bloomfield, NJ.


  • Kamath_thumbnail2

    Kiran Kamath Joins MPC's Leadership Team

    Monterey Peninsula College welcomes a new Vice President of Academic Affairs


  • Kente_thumbnail

    MPC celebrates "Rites of Passage" with 2015 Graduates

    Each year, the African American Faculty & Staff celebrate the special accomplishments of our Graduates and Transfers at our annual Rites of Passage Ceremony. The Rites of Passage is a ritual event that marks a person's transition from one stage of life to another.

    06/23/2015 9:00 AM

  • pharmacy-tech-thumbnail

    Open Doors to Your Future with Pharmacy Technician Training

    Fast-paced training for a life-long career! Classes start September 19th.

    05/29/2015 3:29 PM

  • AERCMP-Fall-2015-thumbnail

    Adult Education Classes for Fall 2015

    Check out our new Adult Education joint brochures for Fall 2015!

    05/29/2015 1:26 PM

  • Anna Welsh scholarship and ful ride

    MPC’s Anna Welsh Earns 10k All-American Award

    Moving on with a full scholarship to the University of Nevada to join the Wolfpack Track & Field and Cross Country teams!

    05/21/2015 10:12 PM

  • golf-3rd_norcals-thumbnail

    MPC Golf Team Looking for State Title

    Lobos are looking to peak next Monday May 11th to capture the coveted CCCAA Men's Golf State Championships to be held at Kings River Golf & Country Club, Kingsburg, California.


  • terry poole

    MPC Alum Named SDSU Football Team Captain

    Terry Poole continues on to succeed as an Aztec and is honored in Union Tribune San Diego Article

    11/18/2014 10:09 AM

  • Danielle Nieto-thumbnail

    MPC Softball Player Receives Full-Ride to Attend Division 1 School

    Danielle Nieto Continues On in Softball World to Play for North Carolina Central

    11/14/2014 11:27 AM

  • Alyssa Sargeant thumbnail

    MPC Softball Catcher Receives Full-Ride to Drury University

    Alyssa Sargent Moves on to Next Level in College Athletics

    11/14/2014 11:13 AM

  • Beverly Miller thumbnail

    MPC Alum Transfers to Pac-12 School

    Softball Pitcher Beverly Miller Moves on to Oregon State to Play for the Beavers

    11/14/2014 10:59 AM

  • Two MPC Students

    Let MPC Help You Reach Your Goals

    Spring classes start February 2nd. Find out more.

    11/13/2014 3:17 PM

  • davidfales

    MPC Star Quarterback Moves on To Chicago Bears

    Football alum David Fales picked up in 6th round

    11/06/2014 12:23 PM

  • DevinKoeplin-thumbnail

    NorCal Basketball Blog Highlights MPC Star Player

    MPC's sophomore guard, Devin Koeplin, shows skills on and off the court!

    10/27/2014 1:47 PM

  • Tami-Haaland-thumbnail

    Guest Author Series Launches

    Montana Poet Laureate Tami Haaland comes to MPC!

    10/14/2014 9:47 AM

« First « Prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Next » Last » 226 - 300 of 305 items