Activate your Network/Email Account (if you have not already done so.) By activating your account you will enable your official mpc email address - which you can use under the Google Apps for Education terms, with unlimited storage for email and Google Drive (cloud-based storage for your students files.)

Start using your MPC email address for all MPC Communications!
(Update your email address in WebReg, MPC Online, and in any external account where you may have used your old MPC email address)
New Email: first initial + last name + last 4 numbers of
Student ID# 123456789
Name: John Smith
Email Address:

Access your new Google mail account (and web-based applications) from our Lobo Apps launch page. With our move to Google we have integrated a single sign-on (SSO) solution to enable quick and easy access to applications supported and run by MPC. Log in to Lobo Apps with your mpc account name and current password, details on how to set up a security question and enroll in account recovery can be found on our Account Activation page.

Visit our information-rich Google Site to access: