MPC responds to Kent State Shooting

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An MPC Archives Feature

May 1970 - MPC Students Respond to the Kent State University Shootings

by Denise Sallee, MPC Library Archivist

On Monday, the 4th of May 1970, four Kent State University students were killed and nine others wounded by Ohio National Guard troops during a protest against the American invasion of Cambodia. Those killings prompted a nation-wide protest by college students and shut down over 400 educational institutions. From the pages of Monterey Peninsula College's student newspaper, El Yanqui, we read how students and faculty responded to this historic event. California Governor Ronald Reagan ordered all state universities and colleges to close their campuses for two days following the shootings as a "cooling down" period.

Click on the images for higher resolution:


EY May 11 1970 pg1 A_small           EY May 11 1970 pg3_small  

MPH  May 7 1970_small

MPC students lower the flag in mourning for the students killed at Kent state and 300 students and faculty march through Monterey  to protest  the action taken by the Ohio National Guard.


EY May 15 1970 pg1_small           EY May 15 1970 pg3_small

The eventful week ends as tension and activism continue on the MPC campus.