Monterey Peninsula College
Home MenuSummer Cultural Exchange Program
The MPC ESL Department has enjoyed a 17-year partnership with JYK Monterey Homestay in bringing students each summer from Osaka Jogakuin Junior and Senior High School located in Osaka, Japan to Monterey Peninsula College. During their two-week intensive program each summer, students stay with local host families and take classes at MPC from 9-4:00 pm daily. The focus of the program is Monterey history and culture that includes classroom instruction, guest lecturers, and local excursions. It’s a wonderful immersion program that has created life-long memories, friendships, and language acquisition.
Osaka Jogakuin is a private Christian school that was established in 1884 by American missionaries. As a result, studying English is an important part of their curriculum. Students are also encouraged to participate in short-term cultural exchanges; specifically, the school has set up exchange program partnerships in Boston, New Zealand and Monterey. Monterey has become the most sought-after destination, based on its high-quality curriculum, staff, and beautiful location.
MPC’s staff includes:
- Molly May, ESL Dept. Chair and Program Coordinator
- Marie Butcher, ESL Instructor and Program Co-Coordinator
- Brian Brady, ESL Instructor
- Sara Metz, Administrative Support
- Michael Gilmartin, Dean of Institutional Planning