Monterey Peninsula College
Home MenuENGL 1A
College Composition (3 units)
This is an introductory course that offers instruction in expository and argumentative writing, appropriate and effective use of language, close reading, cogent thinking, research strategies, information literacy, and documentation. Also offered online.
ENGL 111; or ENSL 110; or qualifying reading and writing assessment
Recommended Preparation:
LIBR 50 (may be taken concurrently): ENGL 112
May be repeated once if grade was D or F
Grading Type:
Credit Course Taken For P/NP Only
Textbook Details:
There are multiple sections for this course please verify what section you are taking before you buy the book(s).
Course Offerings:
Click Webreg link to view class offerings (follow directions on Webreg page to select correct term, discipline (ENSL), and course title to view sections available)