For Immediate Release: November 28, 2018
Contact: Ms. Beccie Michael, Vice President of Advancement, (831) 655-5506
The Monterey Peninsula College (MPC) Foundation has received a $1 million bequest from an alumna to provide scholarships to science majors at MPC. The bequest was made by Alexandra Page Clark, who passed away on August 22, 2017 at the age of 55 after battling glioblastoma brain cancer.
An accomplished scientist, Ms. Clark earned an associate degree from MPC in Horticulture before transferring to the University of California, Berkeley where she completed her baccalaureate. After earning her Master of Science degree in Biology from New York University, she worked at the university as an Assistant Research Scientist from 1996-2001.
“We are so grateful to Ms. Clark for leaving such an incredible legacy gift to the MPC Foundation,” states Hansen Reed, MPC Foundation Board President. “We look forward to honoring her memory by awarding scholarships to deserving MPC students beginning in Spring 2019.”
The $1 million gift established the Oscar Dunn and Alexandra Page Clark Endowment, which will provide approximately $40,000 in scholarships each year in perpetuity. Students will be able to apply for the scholarships through MPC’s online scholarship application, available at www.mpc.edu/scholarships. The MPC Foundation’s Scholarship Advisory Group will be responsible for screening applications and making recommendations for awards.
Beccie Michael, MPC Foundation’s Executive Director and the Vice President of Advancement at MPC adds, “Ms. Clark’s intent is to support individuals who have financial need, but who may normally be overlooked for scholarship awards. She made it clear that academic standing was not as important as motivation, interest, and commitment to the science discipline. As one of our science instructors pointed out, this will be a game changer for MPC students.”
MPC’s Superintendent/President, Dr. Walter Tribley, remarks, “Gifts of this nature are truly transformative for an institution like Monterey Peninsula College. By establishing this endowment, Ms. Clark will undoubtedly inspire countless students to achieve their goals and become the next generation of scientists.”
MPC Foundation - established in 1994
Monterey Peninsula College Foundation advances the educational experience of students, faculty, and staff of the Monterey Peninsula College by raising funds for student scholarships, instructional and library materials, professional development for faculty and staff, facilities improvements and academic programs. The Foundation is committed to the concept that education is the means by which people may reach their full potential. To learn more about the MPC Foundation, please visit www.mpcfoundation.org and follow us on Facebook.
Monterey Peninsula College - established in 1947
Monterey Peninsula College, part of California's public community college system, is an open-access institution, committed to fostering student learning and success by providing excellence in instructional programs, facilities and services to support the goals of students pursuing transfer, career, basic skills, and lifelong learning opportunities. In addition to the scenic Monterey campus located on 90+ acres, MPC's district includes two excellent facilities in the former Fort Ord, to serve the residents in north Monterey County. As a comprehensive community college, MPC responds to the educational and cultural needs of its diverse community, distinguished for its outstanding academic programs and strong commitment to student success. To learn more about Monterey Peninsula College, please visit www.mpc.edu and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.