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Equity Resource Library Now Open!

Post Date:01/29/2018 4:57 PM


Discover more about fostering equity on campus and in the classroom!

Below, please find select titles on the topic of equity and education that are available through the Library at both the Monterey Campus and the Education Center at Marina

Blind Spot - Paul C. Gorski

The author draws from decades of research to deconstruct popular myths, misconceptions, and educational practices that undercut the achievement of low income students. Gorski carefully describes the challenges that students in poverty face and the resiliencies they and their families draw upon. Most importantly, this book provides specific, evidence-based strategies for teaching youth by creating equitable, bias-free learning environments. Written in an appealing conversational tone, this resource will help teachers and school leaders to better reach and teach students in poverty.

Courageous Conversations about Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools - Glenn E. Singleton

This updated edition of the bestseller continues to explain the need for candid, courageous conversations about race so that educators may understand why achievement inequality persists and learn how they can develop a curriculum that promotes true educational equity and excellence.

Equity 101: The Equity Framework: Book 1 - Curtis W. Linton

This first volume of a four-book series outlines a simple, yet powerful approach to creating the expectations, rigor, relevancy, and relationships necessary for any child to succeed. Equity 101 describes school systems that have changed their climate, culture, and practices to foster high levels of achievement. Best-selling author Curtis Linton introduces the three essential characteristics of equity: Clear expectations for closing the achievement gap, Commitment to rigorous curriculum, Relationships that promote learning.

Equity 101 - Culture: Book 2 - Curtis Linton and Bonnie M. Davis

This second book in the groundbreaking Equity 101 series takes on the cultures we come from and the culture we foster in our schools. When diversity is the norm, how do we create an equitable culture where everyone succeeds? Your path starts with increasing educators’ cultural competency, overcoming institutionalized factors that limit achievement, and implementing equitable practices that ensure individualized support for all students. Resources include: real-life success stories to use as models and chapter-specific implementation exercises that take you from ideas to action.

Additional Titles Include:

  • Achieving Equity for Latino Students by Frances Contreras
  • Advancing Black Male Student Success by Shaun R. Harper
  • Building on Resilience by Fred A. Bonner II
  • Case Studies On Diversity And Social Justice Education by Paul C. Gorski and Seema G. Pothini
  • Confronting Equity Issues On Campus by Mara Bensimon and Lindsey Malcom
  • Courageous Conversations About Race - Facilitator’s Guide by Glenn Erick Singleton and Curtis Linton
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain by Zaretta L. Hammond
  • The Dream-Keepers by Gloria Ladson-Billings
  • Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth
  • Intersectionality In Action by Brooke Barnett and Peter Felten
  • Mindset the New Psychology Of Success by Carol S. Dweck
  • Race, Equity, And The Learning Environment by Frank Tuitt
  • Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty by Paul C. Gorski
  • Supporting Men of Color In the Community College by J. Luke Wood
  • Teaching Boys and Young Men of Color by J. Luke Wood
  • Teaching Men of Color in the Community College by J. Luke Wood, Frank Harris III, and Khalid White
  • The Power of Appreciative Inquiry by Diana Whitney and Amanda Trosten-Bloom
  • Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What Can We Do by Claude M. Steele

Have suggestions for additions to the Equity Resource Library?

Please send your recommendations for additional resources to LaKisha Bradley at

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