Stellar School 


CNSA at Monterey Peninsula College is committed to supporting nursing education, establishing unity among our future colleagues and providing nursing and pre-nursing students opportunities to become knowledgeable about specialties and opportunities in the field of nursing. We cultivate the development of leadership skills among our members through interactive group process work. Our mission is to provide our members opportunities to broaden their individual vision of the nursing profession.


  • Our chapter has regular bi-monthly meetings to provide opportunities for dialogue and direction to meet our goals as a team. 
  • Our Community Service projects allow exciting opportunities for our nursing students to actively participate in a variety of client centered activities that benefit our community. CNSA members volunteer at the Big Sur International marathon and Half marathon each year, providing assistance to the runners. Members also volunteer for RotaCare Free clinic in Seaside, a Wednesday evening health care clinic that provides services for those who cannot afford to pay. The chapter offers a Health Fair on the MPC campus every May that is open to students and staff at the college. The Health Fair provides healthy snacks and informational booths relevant to college students.
  • We are actively involved in the legislative process. Each year we send designated officers (delegates) as representatives of our school to the CNSA State and NSNA National Conventions as advocates of significant issues in today's health care. 
  • *Guest speakers offer educational sessions that expose students to expanded cutting-edge roles in nursing. 
  • Our meetings are held twice a month on Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am in the Nursing building, and are open to students registered in the nursing program and the course.

CNSA Newsletter Fall 2021

CNSA Newsletter Spring 2022