Associate in Arts Degree

Complete Major, MPC General Education Pattern, Competency Requirements, and 60 transferable units (see pages 68-74 in Course Catalog).

Associate Degree Major Requirements

Course Code Course Title Units 
DANC 5 Dance Appreciation 

Modern Dance I

DANC 10B Modern Dance II 1
DANC 11A Jazz Dance I 1
DANC 11B Jazz Dance II 1
DANC 11C Jazz Dance III 1
DANC 12A Ballet I 1
DANC 12B Ballet II 1
DANC 12C Ballet III 1
DANC 14A Ballroom Dance .5
DANC 15A Ethnic Dance Forms I 1
DANC 15B Ethnic Dance Forms II 1
Select a minimum of four units from the following:



DANC 10C Modern Dance III 1
DANC 10D Modern Dance IV 1
DANC 11D Jazz Dance IV 1
DANC 12D Ballet IV 1
DANC 14B Ballroom Dance II .5
DANC 14C Ballroom Dance III .5
DANC 14D Ballroom Dance IV .5
DANC 15C Ethnic Dance III 1
DANC 19A Salsa Dance I
DANC 19B Salsa Dance II    .5
DANC 20A Dance Production - Modern Dance
DANC 20B Dance Production - Jazz
DANC 21 Introduction to Repertory - Jazz
PFIT 21A Flexibility & Relaxation Techniques I
PFIT 63 Fitness Anatomy & Kinesiology
Select one course from the following:

THEA 1 Introduction to Theater 3
THEA 15A Acting I 3
THEA 23 Introduction to Stage Lighting 3
THEA 24 Fundamentals of Costume Design 3
Select one course from the following:

MUSI 1 Music Appreciation 3
MUSI 2 Introduction to Broadway Musicals 3
MUSI 3 Introduction to Jazz & Pop 3

Total Major Units: 20.5

Associate Degree Requirements (as described above)

Complete Competency Requirements and a general education pattern (MPC General Education, CSU General Education, or IGETC) for a total of 60 degree-applicable units

Total Degree Units:   60