Monterey Peninsula College
Home MenuRWC Appointments
The Reading and Writing Center faculty and staff can help you with your assignments in a few ways, so here's a brief rundown and some possible next steps.
RWC Services:
1-1 Appointments: These are 25 or 50 minute appointments (shorter if needed) with one of our tutors to review any reading or writing assignment you're working on, and at any stage of completion. These can be online or face-to-face depending on the time chosen.
Essay Drop-Off: You can submit an essay to our queue and get feedback within 24 hours (or on Mondays if dropped off on Friday or the weekend).
Next Steps:
You can access all the options noted above from the Accudemia tile in your Lobo Apps dashboard. To log into Accudemia, you will use your Canvas/MPC username and password. Once logged in, you can make your appointment
Notes for Students:
In an effort to serve as many people as possible, the RWC limits students to 1 synchronous appointment per day (5 synchronous 25-minute appointments per week or 3 synchronous 50-minute appointments) and up to 3 asynchronous essays per week. If you need additional assistance or help making appointments, please speak with a tutor, or contact Linda Hucks at Thank you!
To accurately track usage of our services and to receive funding to support MPC students, you may be enrolled in ENGL 400 (a non-credit, ungraded, free course). Please contact with any questions or concerns.