Monterey Peninsula College
Home MenuArticulated Courses in Linguistics
LING 10 "Foundations of Language" is transferable to the following courses/schools:
ENGL/LING 206 at CSU Fullerton (CSU)
LING 101 at San Diego State University (CSU)
LING 20 at UC Riverside (UC)
LING 15 "Introduction to Linguistics" is articulated with the following schools and courses:
ENGL 290 at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (CSU)
LING 10 at CSU Fresno (CSU)
LING 106 at CSU Fullerton (CSU)
LINGUIS 5 at UC Berkeley (UC)
LINGUIS 1 and ANTHRO 4 at UC Davis (UC)
LINGUIS 3 at UC Irvine (UC)
COGS 5 at UC Merced (UC)
LING 20 at UC Santa Barbara (UC)
LING 25 "Introduction to Language and Gender" is articulated with the following schools and course:
CMST 234 at CSU Chico (CSU)
LING 45 "Introduction to Language and Society" is articulated with the following schools and courses:
LING 108 at CSU Fullerton (CSU)
LINGUIS 6 at UC Davis (UC)
LING 70 at UC Santa Barbara (UC)