Earn college credits with a job, internship, or volunteer experience.

Enroll in a Work Experience course to earn college units for your job, internship, or volunteer experience. All Work Experience courses are offered every semester. You will not find them listed in the semester class schedules. Your course will be designed specifically for your needs regarding dates and credit hours.

Use the link provided to schedule an appointment with Lindsay Peelman to enroll in a Work Experience course.

Do you need an internship, help with a resume, cover letter assistance? We have you covered. Fill out this internship interest form to contact Carla Becerra. You can then schedule an appointment with her here.

Look to the right for our email, office hours, and easy appointment scheduling.

We are looking forward to helping you put your degree to work, your resume will thank you for it.

Want to read about students and where they are interning? Checkout our annual program highlights.


Scroll Through These Opportunities to Explore Available Internships

MPC does not receive compensation or endorse any of these companies. This is simply for informational purposes.


monterey bay jobs

Find a Job you Love at Monterey Bay Jobs


MC Internship

  Valuable Internships with the Local Government



Learn How to Prepare Taxes From the IRS and Earn  College Credits with VITA


CSUMB Business

CSUMB College of Business Internships  or  CSUMB Internship Partners


monterey county works

Upload Your Resume for Job and Internship Consideration



Search for Paid Internships all Over the United States with WayUp



Open Doors With HACU Internships



 Influence change on a national level, representation matters, explore paid internships at the White House


nsa thumbnail

 Start Your Cybersecurity Internship With the NSA



Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)


Let your internship launch your career.

Deje que su pasantía lance su carrera.
