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PRISON TOUR: Soledad and Salinas Valley prisons

All-day prison tour

  • Date: 11/20/2015 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM  
  • Location: Soledad Correctional Training Facility/Salinas Valley State Prison
    31625 US 101
    Soledad, California 93960

Have you ever wondered what life is like inside a California prison? This is your chance to find out! A group of 25 ADMJ students will be selected to participate in this all-day tour of two prisons: Soledad Correctional Training Facility and Salinas Valley State Prison.

To be considered for this tour, please contact the ADMJ Department Chair. Prison staff will conduct background checks on all participants. This is an optional field trip; participation/non-participation will have no effect on anyone's grade.

Transportation will not be provided (sorry). We will meet at 8:45 a.m. on Friday, 11/20/2015, at the front entrance to Soledad Correctional Training Facility (SCTF), where we will spend the morning touring the prison. Please either bring a lunch or bring a small amount of cash ($10 or so) to purchase lunch at the prison.

Starting at about 1 p.m., we will tour Salinas Valley State Prison (SVSP), which is located a short distance from SCTF. I expect the entire tour to be over by about 4 p.m.

Please bring a picture ID, follow the prison guidelines for appropriate clothing (no blue jeans), and do not bring contraband into the prison (e.g., cell phones). Please contact Scott Moller with any questions at

Salinas Valley State Prison

31625 Highway 101

Soledad, CA 93960

Salinas Valley Prison is a prison housing minimum and maximum security, Level I and IV inmates. The prison has two 270 design facilities, two 180 design facilities and a 100 cell standalone Administrative Segregation Unit (ASU), together with a Correctional Treatment Center (CTC) where inmates receive professionally supervised health care in an inpatient setting. SVSP provides Correctional Clinical Case Management System (CCCMS), Enhanced Outpatient Program (EOP) and Mental Health Crisis Bed (MHCB) for those inmates requiring mental health services. SVSP also houses inmates who meet the criteria of the CDCR Disability Placement Program (DPP) excluding DPV, DPH and DPS.

SVSP contains a division of the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) on grounds within the secured perimeter, DSH - Salinas Valley. This is an intermediate care inpatient psychiatric hospital, primarily servicing Level IV high security inmates who have a major mental health disorder that has diminished their ability to function within the general prison environment. DSH - Salinas Valley has two stand alone treatment centers and four retrofitted 180 housing units totaling 370 beds.

Soledad Correctional Training Facility

Highway 101 North

Soledad, CA 93960

Soledad Correctional Training Facility is a Level I and II General Population prison consisting of three separate facilities. Facilities A and B are Level II Sensitive Needs Yard units consisting of four (4) three tier cell block housing units; two (2) man cells, and two (2) Dorms with a total bed capacity of 2800. Facility C is a Level II General Population unit consisting of nine (9) three tier cell block housing units; two (2) man cells with a total bed capacity of 2496. Facility C also consists of an Administrative Segregation Unit, which is a three (3) tier cell block housing unit consisting of one man cells with a total bed capacity of 240. Facility D is a Level I General Population unit consisting of six (6) Dorms with a total bed capacity of 1012. Each facility has an independent dining room, clothing distribution, canteen, medical/dental/mental health services, education, library, chapel, and visiting rooms.

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