Noche de Colegio
Attention Parents:
Is your high school senior ready for college? The EOPS/CARE program at Monterey Peninsula College invites you to attend the Latino College night to help make sure they are prepared.
Engage in a conversation with campus representatives about resources available to support your senior's educational success. Jump Start your college experience by getting on-the-spot admission to MPC's First Year experience and Summer Bridge Programs
Free event. Información in español.
Topics covered include:
- Programs of Study
- Financial Aid, Grants, and Scholarships
- DACA/Dreamers & Immigration
- Student Clubs and Organizations
- Parent Resources
- Summer Bridge Programs
For more information contact:
Kelly Fletes (kfletes@mpc.edu) EOPS Counselor
Yuliana Vasquez (yvasquez@mpc.edu) EOPS Counselor
Please RSVP by calling: (831) 646-4247