The Only One in the Room
Join us on April 29th on campus (LF103) or online (Zoom) for an engaging and inspiring presentation by Dr. Nicole Madfis a Scientific Brand Strategist with a Ph.D. in Quantitative and Systems Biology.
Nicole Madfis has spent many years as a mentor, science educator and Diversity and Inclusion advisor in STEM at the secondary and university levels. Driven by a passion to help others, she takes pride in guiding students and community members towards achieving their goals and paying in kind the support that she received. After finishing her masters and doctorate degrees, she embarked on a career in biotech marketing, brand strategy and genomic fitness. Nicole's current role is Scientific Brand Strategist, and her PhD is Quantitative and Systems Biology, Stem Cell Tissue Engineering focus.
Zoom link: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/91324602581?pwd=YTBiTnh4Tk1mUkJJZ285ZVBmRlk5UT09 (Password: 199930)