All Great Books Lovers!
Come prepared to discuss Tobias Wolff's memoir, This Boy's Life. Tobias Wolff will also be speaking at the Carmel Women's Club on October 4th and in Salinas on October 5th!
Photograph by Elena Seibert |
An Evening with Tobias Wolff
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Carmel Women's Club
9th Ave, Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA
7 PM
In partnership with the Carmel Public Library Foundation and the Carmel Women's Club, we are proud to announce Tobias Wolff's visit to the Carmel Women's Club on October 4th.
Friday, October 5, 2018
National Steinbeck Center,
CSUMB Vista Room
5:00 -6:30 PM
In partnership with the Salinas Public Library and the CSUMB Center for Arts and Culture, the evening will include performances inspired by This Boy's Life, a presentation by Mr. Wolff and a book signing.
Have questions or need more information, please contact Anita Johnson at