Get help on your FAFSA/CA Dream Act Application before the Cal Grant priority deadline!
Don't miss one of our valuable Financial Aid Workshops, experts are here to assist you!
Come to a workshop with the documents that you have and that apply to you:
- Driver's license, if you have one
- Social Security card number if you have one
- Alien registration number, if you have one
- Your 2016 income information.
- Parent 2016 income information.
- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) - yours or your parents'
- Any records of untaxed income such as welfare benefits, Social Security benefits, or child support payments
- List of colleges you are interested in attending
Your one FREE stop for FAFSA assistance for any desired college!!
For more information, visit MPC Student Financial Services located in the Student Services Building (first floor) or call (831) 646-4030.