Need help with your 2016-17 & 2017-18 FAFSA/CA Dream Act Applications?
Don't miss one of our valuable Financial Aid Workshops*, experts are here to assist you!
Come to a workshop with the documents that you have and that apply to you:
- Driver's license, if you have one
- Social Security card number if you have one
- Alien registration number, if you have one
- Your 2016 income information.
- Parent 2016 income information.
- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) - yours or your parents'
- Any records of untaxed income such as welfare benefits, Social Security benefits, or child support payments
- List of colleges you are interested in attending
Your one FREE stop for FAFSA assistance for any desired college!!
*One Day parking permit is $2.
For more information, visit MPC Student Financial Services located in the Student Services Building (first floor) or call (831) 646-4030.